Document Management

M-Files: the document management system your staff will love to use

All enterprise-class document management systems promise to reduce document clutter with sophisticated version control. M-Files delivers on all these requirements, and adds flexible hosting options. But the reason we decided to partner with M-Files is simple: the exceptional user experience.

We've seen too many document management systems fail because they're too difficult for staff to use. M-Files breaks through this barrier by using an interface your staff will know well: the Windows folder structure. M-Files slots in with your current systems, and integrates powerful tools to make document control part of your every-day business.

Award winning features and performance

M-Files has been ranked number one in document management systems four years running by Top-Ten Reviews.

Integrates with all Windows applications

Whether you're using mass-market software like Microsoft Word, or technical packages like AutoCad, anyone can connect directly with M-Files database via standard file commands such as Open, Save, and Save As. This makes M-Files fast to learn, and easy to use: staff can get straight into the system and start working.

Version control

Automatically save every version of a file for a complete, browsable document history. Your staff can retrieve any version from another point in time and compare it side-by-side with the current document. Knowing they can go back to any version frees staff from saving countless iterations of a document, cutting down on file clutter.

Customisable workflows

With customisable metadata and workflow features, M-Files lets you automate how your organisation handles classes of documents. Set up a process for documents at whatever level of granularity you choose, from ‘invoices’ to ‘project proposals’, and M-Files will direct them to the right person for action.

Flexible hosting and support

Choose the best way for your staff to connect with M-Files. We can configure M-Files on:

  • your servers
  • Excelan's dedicated managed servers
  • Microsoft's trusted Azure cloud platform (ISO/IEC 27001:2005 compliant); or
  • a combination. Hybrid solutions are ideal for national organisations that have different connection speeds at different sites.

Whichever option you prefer, we offer ongoing technical support.

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Microsoft Sales Specialists M-Files M-Files Bronze Partner